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  • Writer's pictureJames Richarson

RIP independent Department of Justice - It was on life support after Eric Holder and Bill Barr -

it is now a corpse under Merrick Garland


All indications - White House pushed Trump Prosecutions

Mara Lago document indictments look to be coordinated by Biden White House - at least those operating the Biden Admin - since I doubt the President is coherent enough to be involved. For a quick Civics lesson - the DOJ is supposed to be independent of the administration and Biden lies saying his admin had not involvement.


DOJ worked to keep congress from investigating Hunter Biden

More DOJ interference - this time in the Hunter Biden investigation. Email evidence is damning. Another reason Weiss was appointed as special counsel - to be able to shield Hunter from Congress.


NY Post confirms Biden coordinated with DOJ Prosecutor Jack Smith

Again - the DOJ is supposed to be independent. It is anything but. 20 years ago this would elicit a response from Congress as it is a constitutional crisis and probably worth of investigation. But the GOP house is useless.


The Judicial Branch continues election interference

All of the Trump prosecutions are weak legal arguments, and it is obvious they are designed with a political motive. Now the leftist judge in the Jack Smith prosecution sets the trial date for the day before the Super Tuesday primary. Again, the founders would expect the legislative branch to act and reign in this overreach, but of course the R's sit on their hands.


Banana Republic

For years America has pointed out injustice around the world when leaders imprison their political rivals. Now the media is silent when it happens right in front of them. Mollie Hemingway sums it ups well here - Dems have crossed the line.


Some good news for Liberty lovers

We noted the plan in London to install cameras to fine people for driving too much or using vehicles not approved by climate maniacs. The citizens of London are fighting back and disabling and stealing cameras all over London. Well done!!!


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