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  • Writer's pictureJames Richarson

London moves toward Orwellian control, Robert L Peters = Joe Biden, Republicans are useless part 100


The DOJ tried to give Hunter Biden the get out of jail free card in order to keep The Big Guy/Joe Biden off the stand

As always, Mollie does a great job with the bread down. The DOJ deal was so light and agreed not to prosecute Hunter for a multitude of other crimes so a judge has to put a stop to it. Now people are asking how it got that far. Recent emails show that the DOJ was willing to let Hunter walk in order to keep Joe Biden out of the difficult position of having his DOJ prosecute his son for obvious crimes.


Joe Biden/Robert L Peters used multiple fake names to deal with Hunter's businesses (after saying he did not).

This a good breakdown of the "how and why" by Maria and Comer (House Oversite Chair) on the roadmap to prosecution, although we all know the House R's will never do it.


Civil Liberties in London hang on by a thread - Cameras, Fines, and Climate Cult Justifications

London's bureaucrats are installing cameras, even in residential neighborhoods, to tax motorists who drive non-climate crazy approved vehicles. "Blade Runners" (Heroes) are disabling the cameras as they are installed. #beungovernable


The Chair of the Rebulican National Committee wants presidental canditates to move left.

You know what you get when you deal with the Romney's, and it is not the agenda the majority of Republicans and right leaning independents want. The Chair of the RNC is Ronna Romney McDaniel - niece of Mitt, granddaughter of former Michigan Governor. The is the epitome of the loser class of DC Republicans who count winning as allowing D's to march toward socialism at a slower pace. I was totally opposed to her reelection, but there was no strong pushback from Trump - he may pay for that later.

Catturd2 sums this one up pretty well.


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