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  • Writer's pictureJames Richarson

Alternate Facts - The Origin Story - 7/28/2023

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

What Alternate Facts hopes to bring to the table:

  1. The demographic - In the 2016 and 2020 election cycles the determining factor was repeatedly said to be "college educated, suburban women". We have lived amongst this demographic for many years. They are smart, well educated, and want to live in a nice, safe environment. However, they lead busy lives transporting kids, attending community events, and meeting for afternoon Pinot Grigio.

  2. The problem - They are microcosm of many American voters. They do not have time to search out information in the corners of the internet where free speech is still available and not controlled by the Government/Media/Social Media conglomerate (as evidenced by the Twitter Files / Facebook Files). It takes effort and time to sort through the craziness of Twitter, Rumble, Tik Tok, and the few independent journalism outlets to find the stories that are not making it to the NYT, WAPO, and broadcast news.

  3. The solution - Alternate Facts is the curation of that content in a quick, easily digestible format that explains the back-story and why it is a "big deal", even though they are not hearing about on traditional news sources or seeing it in their Facebook feeds.

  4. The format - tweets, tik toks, and articles from the day or week that impact the country and the world will be featured. We will give our take on why they are important to the reader's life and what the implications are moving forward. Each newsletter aims to be short and to the point, with links to the source material to do further research if desired.

The goal is to educate the populace on why their civil liberties are important and how the powers-that-be are eroding those liberties each and every day, while normies lead their hectic day to day lives. This is not so that they can be outraged or to endorse specific candidates - we want them to understand what they can do to change it in holding officials and bureaucrats accountable.

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