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  • Writer's pictureJames Richarson

Alternate Facts - August 7th, 2023

Currated Commentary for People with a Life


Republican Congressman Jim Jordan continues to release "The Facebook Files"

The Federal Government and Big Tech collude to disenfranchise voters and hide the truth from the electorate.

The facebook files are a follow up to Elon Musk's release of the "Twitter Files" - both show a coordinated and successful effort by the federal government to use social media to suppress free speech and interfere in the 2020 election.


John Solomon - well established journalist documents the "silk road" of Chinese money flowing to the Biden's.

The magnitude of the money flowing from despots to the Biden family companies is staggering.

Solomon does an excellent job of breaking down individual transactions and the obvious use of shell companies by the Biden's to hide their corruption. It is becoming more and more difficult for media apologists to look the other way when millions of dollars are shuffled from shady regimes to Biden affiliated bank accounts.


Liberty Watch - governments around the world continue to use their private sector partners to encroach on personal liberty and self-determination - the new push is with the "cashless society"

Australia financial institutions are executing the government's plan to make the country cashless.

Cash is not as convenient as digital currency, but it also gives the citizen a way to exist in society without being bound to the government. When the government can take away your banking privileges for "wrong think" do you really leave in a free society? Yes, criminals use cash, but that is not reason to take away rights of law abiding citizens. Yes, tax cheats use cash, but again, why penalize the lawful? Crypto had promise to bring a convenient untraceable digital currency, but governments are now trying to find work arounds to track transactions there as well. Cash must be preserved.


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