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  • Writer's pictureJames Richarson

8.26.23 Trump goes to Fulton County,Republicans debate nonsense thanks to Fox News,Conspiracy Update


Fantastic Article on the inept Republican field and party - stop "playing the game"

Beautifully written, Republicans allow D's to subvert the constitution operate outside the law by playing the game.

DC Democrats are true to themselves - authoritarian socialists. They do not deviate from the script. And when they gain power they wield it to change the country foundationally.

R's are along for the ride. RNC ""wins"" are slowing down the Democrats on the road to serfdom, never advancing the other direction.


Trump Mugshot

I had to find a way to work it in with something other than the obvious - D's overplay their hand and rally all non-lunatic Trump Derangement Syndrome folks to Trump. He is clearly now the front runner. But I liked this take from a survivor of communism. It is profound - "Communism is not an economic system. It is a totalitarian system that has 0 tolerance of any political opponents”


Trump ditches debate - goes on Tucker on X/Twitter instead

Not to rehash this interview. But as of print time it is up to 259M views - yes there is debate as to what constitutes a view, but my point would be that alternative media is taking over. Free speech is finding a way to get through the authoritarians. People want Truth and will go where they need to in order to find it.


Vivek destroys old guard Republican debate field

You can tell he dominated. All the GOP old media are turning their guns at him. He was by far the most dynamic. He understands the issues and can articulate specific ways he will take them on - the others (save Desantis who has actually governed as a conservative) are empty suits with platitudes and no specifics.


Conspiracy Updates - Obama's Chef

Obama's Chef - his drowning death creates more questions. A FOIA requested netted a bit more info. The Secret Service made the 911 call. The body was found using sonar AFTER they found his clothes. Still no word on who the 2nd paddleboarder was.


Maui is a Katrina Level Shitshow

I have not seen enough to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole in Maui. But there is definitely a catastrophic failure of government at all levels. The president visited and made of fool of himself multiple times - making jokes, comparing a small house fire he had that almost damaged his classic car, and falling asleep at a memorial. More disturbing to me is the attempts of government to install a media blackout - that is the reason we can't let the story go like they want it to. .


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