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"Alternate Facts" - Kellyanne Conway, Meet the Press, January 22, 2017

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Kellyanne Conway was the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign.  When appearing on the liberal talking points Sunday show, Meet the Press, left wing propogandist Chuck Todd questioned her about the White House's estimates of the crowd at Donald Trump's inauguration. 

As with everything during the Trump presidency, the media had a different take on the topic.  When pressed by the "journalist" looking to score cheap political points in stressing that the crowd size was smaller as a matter of "fact", Ms. Conway shot back that the White House had "alternate facts". 

The line immediately stuck me as a microcosm of the state and their media sycophants' constant distortion of reality - "facts". It dawned on me that free thinking people need alternate facts, apart from those approved by Government, Pharma, Military-Industrial Complex, and Three Letter Agencies. 


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